Christmas LED Flashing Scrunchies
Get ready for the festive season with these delightful flashing hair accessories. These are definitely a favourite! and comes with 3 different settings.
1. White with red & green stars
2. White with presents and trees
3. Light green with Santa
4. Red with reindeer & ginerbread man
5. Red with trees and stockings
6. Dark green with bells & trees
7. Dark green with red stockings
Locate the battery pack inside the scrunchie (feel around for it, don't attempt to unpick/open the scrunchie), and pull the safety strip from the battery pack. Your scrunchie is now ready to use.
One click - Fast Flashing Two clicks - Slow FlashingThree clicks - Solid LightFour clicks - Turns it offWARNING: Button/coin batteries can cause severe injuries or even death when swallowed. Keep batteries out of reach of children. If you suspect a child has swallowed or inserted a button/coin battery, seek medical attention immediately.